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Mon - Fri 8:00 - 18:00 / Sunday 8:00 - 14:00
47 Bakery Street, London, UK

Revitalizing a 20-Year-Old Portuguese Ceramics Manufacturer

Client: Ceramics Manufacturer
Location: Portugal
Industry: Manufacturing (Ceramics and Tiles)
Service Provided: Sales Strategy Overhaul, Competitive Market Positioning, and Brand Awareness Growth

The Challenge:
A 20-year-old ceramics manufacturer in Portugal, once a leader in producing high-quality tiles and ceramics, had been facing declining sales for the past three years. Increased competition from cheaper international producers and changing market trends had severely impacted their market share. Their once-strong reputation in both domestic and European markets was being overshadowed by newer, more aggressive competitors offering lower prices and faster production times.

The company’s traditional sales and marketing methods were no longer effective in reaching modern customers or positioning their products as superior in a highly competitive industry. They lacked a strategy for differentiating themselves and boosting their brand awareness in a market where competition was fierce.

The Solution:
Adyraa partnered with the ceramics manufacturer to develop and execute a comprehensive sales and marketing transformation, targeting not just survival, but a strong comeback:

  • Sales Strategy Overhaul: We revamped their entire sales process, integrating digital channels and data-driven strategies to streamline lead generation and shorten the sales cycle. We helped the company leverage its legacy of craftsmanship, targeting high-end, design-conscious markets that valued quality over price.
  • Competitive Market Positioning: Through in-depth market research, we identified niche markets—particularly in architecture, interior design, and luxury projects—where the company’s premium products would stand out. We repositioned the company as a luxury ceramics provider, targeting projects that valued heritage, craftsmanship, and sustainable production.
  • Brand Awareness Campaign: To bring the brand back to the forefront, we launched a targeted digital marketing campaign, focusing on high-quality visuals, social media, and SEO optimization to enhance their online presence. We also rolled out a comprehensive rebranding effort, emphasizing the company’s Portuguese heritage and long-standing tradition of quality.
  • Strategic Partnerships: We worked to establish partnerships with architects, interior designers, and distributors across Europe, helping the company enter lucrative markets and upscale projects where their product quality would be a key differentiator.

The Results:
Within 18 months, the ceramics manufacturer experienced a dramatic turnaround:

  • 40% increase in market share, regaining a strong foothold in both the domestic Portuguese market and key European markets such as France and Germany.
  • 200% increase in brand awareness, with the company being featured in high-profile architecture and design publications, as well as a surge in online visibility and social media engagement.
  • Entry into premium markets, with partnerships secured for high-end residential and commercial projects, significantly increasing the average sale value per project.
  • Re-established industry leadership, recognized for their heritage, sustainability, and craftsmanship, the company once again became a sought-after name in the luxury ceramics market.

Client Feedback:
“Adyraa gave our company a new life. We were on the brink of losing everything to cheap competition, but their strategies revitalized our brand and helped us grow our market share by 40%. Their ability to modernize our sales approach and increase our visibility in high-end markets was exactly what we needed. Today, we are stronger than ever.”